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17 May 2021 - 19 May 2021

NGI Innovators Pitching Contest

NGI Innovators begin to deliver concrete outcomes, technical building blocks, de-centralised systems, improved protocols, innovative apps and services, etc. It is thus time to show-up, to bring these innovations to life.

Pitching is key to find partners, investors, markets, clients, or collaborators...

In order to introduce three of the NGI Forum thematic sessions, we asked Innovators to provide us with their very best Elevator Pitch, which are three minutes maximum videos. Forty of them turned up, and we sincerely thank them for the time and energy they devoted to this exercise.

The European Commission and NGI Outreach Office have pre-selected nine videos that were considered to be the most qualitative in terms of storytelling, production quality and personal performance of the presenter.

Internet architecture

NGI Pointer. IRNAS, Luka Banović.
Koruza, free-space optical communication system


      NGI Ledger. Decentralised Science, Antonio Tenorio-Fornés.
      Peer review of academic research.


        NGI Pointer. SSB, Andre Staltz.
        SSB (decentralised data sharing) internet protocol made easy.


        Internet of Trust

        NGI Pointer. Lightmeter, Sam Tuke .
        Easy to use, secure mail server technology to regain control.


        NGI Pointer. Peergos, Jonathan Budd.
        Storing and sharing while ensuring privacy.


        NGI Trust. Bitoftrust.
        How to reinforce trust between peers.


        NGI International Cooperation

        NGI Explorers. Matereo.
        Infrastructure sensors.


        NGI Explorers. Bruna Fonseca, Walton Institute.
        IoT COVID-19.


        NGI Explorers. VR-Dialog, Lukasz Porwol.
        VR for meetings.

        Closed since 19 May 2021